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When the Closed Door Opens


I’m in Gainesville, GA, and am finishing up my second week in the Center for Global Action (CGA) at Adventures in Missions. My mornings are full of classroom/discussion style training (we will also be doing outreaches in our area) and I spend my afternoons in an apprenticeship. It’s a way to get hands-on experience in areas we want to grow in, whether it be logistics, marketing, short term missions planning, etc. It all sounds really great, AND IT TRULY IS!

The CGA staff worked together to place me in an apprenticeship based on my assessment answers back in December! How cool that I get to work with an organization that prayerfully considers me, my heart, and my best fit to stretch and teach ALL FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Seriously, this is a great organization.

When I went to Project Searchlight last month, a five day conference for recently returned World Racers, I was taken aback by a new opportunity I heard about. I went to a breakout session about Kingdom Journeys, a short term trip for alumni Racers to walk out their unique calling overseas through specialized ministry, like the Beauty for Ashes trip that focuses on sharing God’s restorative love to women through storytelling and community. Kingdom Journeys is a powerful program and this breakout session was specifically for those interested in a trip focused on route pioneering, reconnaissance, and host development. The route would be East Asia to Istanbul overland through Central Asia.

I was so excited about this project and it’s relation to the new Expedition route of the World Race, a route that focuses on the 10/40 window and pioneering with a life of abandonment and adventure for the Kingdom of God. I was ecstatic to see a new chapter of the Race unfolding in front of my eyes, and I wanted to be part of it.

But how? I couldn’t go on this trip because of my commitment to CGA, and they had already set me up with an apprenticeship (though I didn’t know where yet).

An idea popped into my head… “Just asking about an apprenticeship with this team doesn’t mean you’re committing to it.” That’s just the mindset I needed to approach Chris and ask him about a possible apprenticeship on his team.      

He told me that he was unsure, but to send him an email outlining why I would be a good fit for the team. “Fair enough,” I thought.

It took me a week and a half to send that email, and when I finally did, on January 27th, I told him that after lots of prayer, I decided to not go through with this possibility of an apprenticeship. I didn’t want to disrespect or dishonor the CGA staff who had already assigned me to a department.

He soon emailed me back and suggested I still consider it because of CGA’s accommodating spirit and culture of going after what you want.

I didn’t email back. Packing for my January 29 move in date for CGA flooded my head and I forgot about my apprenticeship–until I got a phone call from Aubree on the CGA leadership team while I was driving to Georgia. She told me that someone on the Expedition leadership team talked to her and that after looking at my information, they wanted me to work with them. I just had to choose if I wanted to work with them or the apprenticeship I was originally placed in.

What! I have a choice? God is giving me a choice?        

I completely knew that I needed to work with this Expedition team, but I didn’t know why. I knew God was leading me to learn from the handful of people on this team and I couldn’t wait to get started. I knew nothing of what I was getting into and no hint of what I would be doing. But it didn’t matter! I am passionate about this mission, the possibilities, and the dynamic leadership.

I will be stretched. It will be challenging. Or maybe I won’t be stretched. Nah! That’s a lie – I won’t allow that to happen. Too much rests on me growing my comfort zone and increasing my skills.

So that’s what I’m doing. I am working with this team in whatever capacity they ask of me. I will be serving from Gainesville as these squads prepare to go out into the 10/40 window. I’ll be providing logistical and administrative support to this Expedition team. 

The part of this story that blows me away is that I CHOSE to not email Chris back, thus shutting the door. But God had other plans. He opened the door again by having Chris find my information, talk to Aubree, and explain their desire for me on the team.

Imagine these options as paths. I was walking down the path that CGA had prepared for me through my original apprenticeship. When I decided that I would hold on to what I thought was most respectful and keep my apprenticeship, God intervened and created an opportunity for another path. But I still had to choose. I had to choose what I wanted. I had to choose which path to take.

And I chose well. Though my original apprenticeship would have been good and filled with God’s provision, Expedition route is ultimately where I am supposed to be. I’m convinced of God’s sovereignty and influence in everything I do.

How mind-blowing that I live for a God that is intimately aware of each detail in my life and cares about it all. He never turns His face from me. I always have His attention and nothing catches Him by surprise.

Even when I close the door He has designed to be open.  


Please help keep me in the Center for Global Action at Adventures in Missions by financially partnering with me to make it happen! All donations are tax-deductible and can be made by clicking here.