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Restoring Identity: 19 Lessons

This past semester in CGA, I spent 2 hours each week in a class dedicated to restoring my identity in the Lord. We talked about emotional health, shame, vulnerability, family history, past baggage, boundaries, and self care. It was a space designed for safety, freedom, and saying “yes” to the discomfort of imperfection. It was a space that welcomed hard work. You got out what you put into it.

And those in this class with me put a lot into it. I want to share with you some lessons learned through this semester. We were asked to find a creative way to express these lessons, and with their permission, I am going to share them. There will be a handful of videos/blogs and you can hear firsthand the weight of these lessons and the healing that has come from this restoration.      

These are 19 POWERFUL lessons:

  1. We are not perfect after we accept the Lord as ours. We are healed and redeemed, but still imperfect.
  2. Be honest with yourself and allow yourself to feel ALL the emotions, especially if they’re painful and seem to be incomplete.
  3. Be a safe place for others AND yourself.
  4. Let go of people’s expectations. Those aren’t your responsibility.
  5. Do NOT shy away from being seen. You are worthy.
  6. The best words you can respond to someone’s vulnerability with is “Thank you” and “Me too.”
  7. Who you are is enough. The Lord has given you a new name.
  8. Your value is not found in what someone says about you, whether it be bad or good.
  9. You have things to say.
  10. Shame is no more than denial of the truth.
  11. You are worthy and made to be different.
  12. Come out of hiding and dance.
  13. Unforgiveness is like chains digging in to a tree. The tree may grow around the chains, but it will warp the tree. It isn’t meant for that.  
  14. You have to know where you end and someone else begins.
  15. Shame marks everything. It bleeds into everything and grows in silence.
  16. The Lord says: “Honey, you were never abandoned by me.”
  17. Let go of your masks.
  18. You have access to the Holy Spirit power that breaks chains.
  19. Your story is a part of you, but it is NOT you. Have grace for yourself.

Do you feel the power in these lessons? If not, take a sec and read them again. There’s so much powerful potential through these lessons. 

Because of the work that was done in this class, our generation is changing and our children’s generation will change as well. We have spent time wrestling and that work affects more than just us.

Even if just one of these lessons was learned by one person, a significant change would happen in his/her life. Just imagine the changes that take place when we learn more than 19 paradigm-shifting, identity-healing lessons. We can better serve and be used by God when we learn these. Souls are changed. Life directions are changed. All because we said “yes” to wading through the mud that often is our past.

“Hurt people hurt people.”
Loved people love people.

I prefer to walk in the latter option. There is no other way to experience healing and wholeness than by saying “yes,” with open hands, and knowing that it may be seriously painful for awhile. But to come out of the other side of the storm stronger and more of a whole, true version of yourself… That makes it all worth it.

I pray with every fiber of me that you say yes to restoring your identity. It’s worth it.