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I have special news!

I accepted a position at Adventures in Missions as a Regional Logistics Representative for Southeast Asia. I have been prayerfully considering this position for the majority of July and part of June. When it was offered to me, a sense of settled-ness and peace came over me.

It was not an easy decision, as the saying “Yes” to something also comes with the price of saying “No” to other things.

I start on July 26 {TOMORROW} and will work full-time in the AIM office, investing into the relationships between AIM and the ministries/missionaries in my region.

Because I will be working full-time, I will be unable to finish my time in the CGA program. Like I mentioned, this was a really tough decision. I have found so much value in the training CGA provides. CGA is a launching pad into what the Lord has for you. Mysteriously enough, what the Lord has next is this position and CGA set me up very well to be ready for it.

I am so excited to start this ministry work. I’m especially excited that I get to be a type of support and encouragement for these missionaries while also finding more ministries to partner with that future World Race squads (and other AIM ministries) can be a part of. What a cool way to invest into God’s Kingdom!


But I need your help in a multiple of ways. Working full-time is definitely a blessing. Included in this blessing is the necessity of raising half of my annual salary. I will be raising $12,000/year and need your help. Obviously, I cannot do this alone. You’ve been with me this far and I prayerfully invite you to continue in this ministry with me.

There will be opportunities for me to go out on the foreign mission field and serve in different ways, but the majority of my time will be spent behind the scenes, making it possible for missionaries to go out and serve other ministries and missionaries. The work we do in Gainesville is the driving force behind all of that and I am so blessed by the opportunity to be a part.

And I encourage you to be a part as well. You may not have the opportunity to “go” to the foreign field. You may not have the opportunity, outlet, or ability to “send” via logistics and a mission organization. But you do have the opportunity to SEND me and I have the opportunity to make it possible for missionaries to GO. What better way to actively be part of the body of Christ through financial means? How cool, right?

Prayer is necessary too. I am blessed by your prayers for me, my ministry, and the missionaries I get to come alongside.  

Like I mentioned, I will be raising part of my salary. HOWEVER, before I can do that, I need to raise the remainder of my CGA fund. I have about $2000 for CGA to fundraise and I ask you to prayerfully consider being part of my ministry in this way. CGA has been used by God to change so many areas of my life to look more like Jesus, and truly provides a way for me to be better used by Him.

I ask you again, will you consider a financial investment into my ministry through my “Donate” link? You are truly changing lives. Not just mine, but all those that I have the opportunity to serve and invest in, especially as I step into a new ministry position. Thank you!